On Features of Theatricality in the Keyboard Sonatas of J. Haydn

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Anzhela L. Khokhlova


The article considers a possibility of implementing the play logic in the music by Joseph Haydn. Based on theatrical principles of the composer’s thinking, the play logic in music gets implemented through certain space-time relations. The author believes that such notions as “the way of imagining the ‘characters’,” “the order of processing the ‘fable’,” and “the manner of structuring the ‘plot’” – which let us see some scenic presentation behind the score, whose capacity appears in a generous abundance of various metamorphoses, – may be applied to Haydn’s oeuvre.

Keywords: the space-time of play, a theatrical model of thinking, associative links of theatrical play, personified themes

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How to Cite
Khokhlova, A. L. (2012). On Features of Theatricality in the Keyboard Sonatas of J. Haydn. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 10(1), 126–128. Retrieved from https://musicscholar.ru/index.php/PMN/article/view/418
History of Western Music


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