On New Form of Polymetry in Ars Subtilior of the Last Quarter of the 14th and Early 15th Centuries (Tractatus figurarum by Phillipus de Caserta)

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Marina Ye. Ghirfanova


The article views a new form of polymetry which was invented during Ars Subtilior and became the most important feature of the Ars Subtilior rhythm. The specificity of this form reveals itself through an analysis of Phillippus de Caserta’s theoretical treatise containing one of its earliest descriptions. The article analyzes both the historical background of forming this kind of a technique and its functioning within the Ars Subtilior artistic practice. The author defines an importance of this new form of polymetry for the historical process of the meter formation in Western music.

Keywords: music meter, Ars Subtilior, polymetry, Phillippus de Caserta

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How to Cite
Ghirfanova, M. Y. (2012). On New Form of Polymetry in Ars Subtilior of the Last Quarter of the 14th and Early 15th Centuries (Tractatus figurarum by Phillipus de Caserta). Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 10(1), 121–125. Retrieved from https://musicscholar.ru/index.php/PMN/article/view/417
History of Western Music