The Factor of Contrast in Ritornello-Figurative Forms of J. S. Bach

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Larissa L. Krupina


The article analyzes the basic kinds of J. S. Bach’s ritornelle and fugue forms with contrasting themes. The author believes that the role of this contrast is the most important factor of dramaturgy, which either reminds a sonata in some cases or forms an independent plane of structure in others. Besides, the author reveals a relative ponderability of ritornelle, fugue and sonata principles in some concrete examples of J. S. Bach’s mixed two-theme forms.

Keywords: J. S. Bach, mixed forms, contrast of themes

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How to Cite
Krupina, L. L. (2012). The Factor of Contrast in Ritornello-Figurative Forms of J. S. Bach. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 10(1), 115–120. Retrieved from
History of Western Music