Debatable Questions of Bachiana: “Seventeen Chorales” and “Canonic Variations”

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Yelena V. Vyazkova


The article views some problems of studying J. S. Bach’s late oeuvre, discussed during the recent decades. Based on her research of the manuscripts, the author has come to some new conclusions. Initially, The Seventeen Leipzig Chorals were a complete cycle that consisted of twenty chorals: its final segment contained Three Canonic Variations written in right after Choral No. 17. The manuscript of the Canonic Variations precedes the original edition; therefore, the version it represents may not be considered authentic.

Keywords: J. S. Bach’s Seventeen Chorals, J. S. Bach’s Canonic Variations

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How to Cite
Vyazkova, Y. V. (2012). Debatable Questions of Bachiana: “Seventeen Chorales” and “Canonic Variations”. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 10(1), 109–114. Retrieved from
History of Western Music


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