The Functions of Instrumental Idioms in the Forming of Keyboard Music at the Time of Baroque

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Irina V. Alekseyeva


The mutual solo and ensemble music-making practice favored the display of music material of other instruments in the 17th–18th-century scores for the keyboards. As exemplified by variations on basso ostinato for the keyboards, the author introduces an algorithm of analyzing musical idioms characteristic for lute, organ, flute and violin works of the Baroque time. These idioms show some special timbre and acoustic features of various instruments, revealing their technical opportunities and stroke specificities, as well as participate in the genre-forming of passacaglias, chaconnes and grounds for the keyboards.

The understanding of the stylistic context of such idioms helps both researchers and performers analyze Baroque-time works for the keyboards.

Keywords: keyboard music of the Baroque time, basso ostinato, passacaglia, chaconne, ground

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How to Cite
Alekseyeva, I. V. (2012). The Functions of Instrumental Idioms in the Forming of Keyboard Music at the Time of Baroque. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 10(1), 93–97. Retrieved from
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