Metaphors and Vocabulary of Architecture in the Terminology of the 19th Century Musical Forms

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Irina N. Vanovskaya


The article views some special factors of how the metaphors and vocabulary of architecture function within the terminology of the 19th-century musical forms. Analogies of some architectural and music composition principles related with the implementation of the concept of form as “building” can be revealed within the general context of culture during the epoch of romanticism. The author views architecture as an important term-making tool to develop the notions of the very music; she also grounds the topicality of researching the metaphor in today’s musicology.

Keywords: metaphors of architecture, vocabulary, musical forms, architectonics, composition

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How to Cite
Vanovskaya, I. N. (2012). Metaphors and Vocabulary of Architecture in the Terminology of the 19th Century Musical Forms. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 10(1), 23–27. Retrieved from
Music in the System of Culture


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