Nikolay Myaskovsky on the Form and the Content in Music (as Exemplified by His Article on Nikolay Medtner)

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Dmitry B. Gorbatov


The article has for the first time presented a detailed comparative and critical analysis of a triad of terms used by Alexander Potebnya and Nikolay Myaskovsky, such as “external form,” “internal form” and “content,” from the points of view of today’s linguistics and general semiotics. At the same time, three aspects of the plane of expression of a musical statement have

been revealed and defined as form-structure, form-texture, and form-process. In addition, a doubt in the expediency of the notion “internal form” as applied to a piece of music has been voiced, and Myaskovsky’s subjectivity in his assessment of Glazunov’s music has been marked. It has been shown in the tideway of Vladimir Vernadsky’s scientology concept that Myaskovsky’s scientific delusion has, firstly, been favoring the evolvement of scientific truth in a regular way and, secondly, been raising questions that are still highly topical for interdisciplinary humanitarian knowledge.

Keywords: Nikolay Myaskovsky, Nikolay Medtner, Boris Asaf’yev, Alexander Glazunov, Alexander Potebnya, Vladimir Vernadsky, musical form, musical content, musical aesthetics, general semiotics

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How to Cite
Gorbatov, D. B. (2012). Nikolay Myaskovsky on the Form and the Content in Music (as Exemplified by His Article on Nikolay Medtner). Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 10(1), 12–18. Retrieved from
Horizonts of Musicology


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