An Overview of the Genres Present in the Music of Vladimir Kobekin

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Natalia V. Rastvorova


The article presents an overview of genres in the music of contemporary composer Vladimir Kobekin, who has been acknowledged presently as a master of contemporary Russian music. The genre of opera is perceived to be the main sphere of his musical creative activities, in which the theme of “the world and the human being” is presented in a broad and complex manner. It is demonstrated that this theme undergoes development in the composer’s orchestral, chamber and vocal compositions. His music is characterized by a diversity of subject matter and an abundance of timbral and compositional solutions.

Keywords: Russian composers, Vladimir Kobekin, opera, symphony, chamber music

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How to Cite
Rastvorova, N. V. (2012). An Overview of the Genres Present in the Music of Vladimir Kobekin. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 11(2), 252–255. Retrieved from
Contemporary Musical Art


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