Gregorian Plainchant in Liszt’s Oratorio “Christus”

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Olga P. Gorbunova


The article is devoted to the analysis of the function of Gregorian plainchant in one of Franz Liszt’s large-scale vocalinstrumental compositions from his Roman period. The oratorio “Christus” is examined as an oratorio of a Romantic vein, in which the composer attempted to combine the principles of medieval musical art with the expressive means of his time. The basis for this leitmotivic and monothematic work lies in several Gregorian chant melodies, which, acquiring the function of a “hyper-theme,” become a means for the preservation of the dramaturgical unity of this large-scale work.

Keywords: Western European Oratorio, Listzt’s monothematicism, Gregorian plainchant, Palestrina

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How to Cite
Gorbunova, O. P. (2012). Gregorian Plainchant in Liszt’s Oratorio “Christus”. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 11(2), 235–238. Retrieved from
History of Western Music


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