On National Style and on So-Called “Nationalism in Russian Music”

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Ildar D. Khannanov


The problem of the term “nationalism in music” has not been yet reflected upon in the Russian musicological community. With all that, in the West, in the Anglo-Saxon literature on music, this term has been firmly established and now it is used in descriptions of many national musical traditions. This article aims at revealing the semantics of this term as it is used in the West and its connotations in the Russian perception. The author argues with those who use this term and calls for a discussion of the category of the national in music.

Keywords: nationalism in Russian music, national in music, Russian music, western views on Russian music

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How to Cite
Khannanov, I. D. (2012). On National Style and on So-Called “Nationalism in Russian Music”. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 11(2), 174–177. Retrieved from https://musicscholar.ru/index.php/PMN/article/view/373
International Division
Author Biography

Ildar D. Khannanov, Problemy Muzykal’noi Nauki

Editor of the International Division Problemy Muzykal’noi Nauki