From the History of Collecting and Study of Kalmyk Folk Music (19th and early 20th centuries)

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Boskha Kh. Borlykova


This article describes the history of collecting and studying the folk music of the Kalmyks, basing itself on research of  both published and archival materials. The folk songs notated by I. V. Dobrovolsky, G. Balint, A. M. Listopadov, A. D. Rudnev, G. J. Ramstedt, N. O. Ochirov and V. D. Benevsky present a valuable source for research of 19th and early 20th century musical folklore of the Kalmyks.

Keywords: musical ethnography, the Kalmyk folk music, the Kalmyk song


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How to Cite
Borlykova, B. K. (2012). From the History of Collecting and Study of Kalmyk Folk Music (19th and early 20th centuries). Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 11(2), 122–125. Retrieved from
Musical Performance and Pedagogy
Author Biography

Boskha Kh. Borlykova, Kalmyk Institute for Humanitarian Research with the Russian Academy of Sciences

Candidate of Arts (PhD) and is a research associate