Contemporary Problems of Choral Performance: A New Course in the System of Choral Conducting Education in Institutes for Higher Education

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Tatiana K. Ovchinnikova


The author stresses the necessity for modernizing the education of classical choral conductors and accentuates her attention to new demands made upon the choral conductors’musical upbringing. The development of communication technologies presumes the mastery over the informational and microphonic culture, including such form of performance as “choral theater.” The educational course of “Contemporary Problems of Choral Performance” would allow future young specialists to acquire the indispensable basis for acquisition of new practical knowledge and skills.

Keywords: choral conducting education, choral conductor, choral theatre, microphonic culture, sound production


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How to Cite
Ovchinnikova, T. K. (2012). Contemporary Problems of Choral Performance: A New Course in the System of Choral Conducting Education in Institutes for Higher Education. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 11(2), 103–107. Retrieved from
Musical Performance and Pedagogy
Author Biography

Tatiana K. Ovchinnikova, Rostov State Conservatory S. V. Rachmaninoff

Candidate of Arts (PhD) and is a senior lecturer at the Choral Conducting Department


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