Musical Shintology and the Problems of Studying Japanese Culture

Main Article Content

Marina Yu. Dubrovskaya


The article is devoted to the present-day problems of studies of Japanese musical culture, related to the formation and development in the 21st century of a new field in Russian ethnomusicology – musical Shintology or studies of the musical tradition of the Japanese Shintoists. The development of Russian musical Shintology is observed in the context of the achievements of Japanese and European musicology in the research of the Shinto artistic heritage. The article specifies the direction of Russian research of the Shinto ritual complex and the Shinto influence on Japanese traditional professional arts.

Keywords: Japanese musical culture, musical Shintology, music of Shinto, kagura

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How to Cite
Dubrovskaya, M. Y. (2012). Musical Shintology and the Problems of Studying Japanese Culture. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 11(2), 12–16. Retrieved from
Horizonts of Musicology
Author Biography

Marina Yu. Dubrovskaya, Новосибирская государственная консерватория (академия) им. М. И. Глинки

Doctor of Arts and is a professor of the Ethnomusicology Department