The Synthesis of Ballet and the Suite in the Music of Darius Milhaud

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Maria S. Kobzeva


Ballet is one of the leading genres in the music of the outstanding 20th century French composer Darius Milhaud.
The composer’s lasting interest in this genre could be explained by its special spectacular qualities, possibilities of
juxtaposing various characters within the framework of a single plot, the simplicity and clarity of form, the symbolic
nature of dance, which discloses the depth of semantic implications, combinations of classical traditions with new
radical ideas.
Stemming from the fact of the special role of synthesis of the arts in the 20th century and the organic use of the
synthesizing element in the music of Darius Milhaud, the author of the article asserts that one of the combinations
significant for the composer is the impact on Milhaud’s ballets of traits of the genre of the suite. The substantiation
of the composer’s attraction to this type of synthesis is based on historical suppositions of mutual influence of its
components – connections with the Italian masque comedy, as well as the fact that in the 16th century the term of
ballet presumed choreographic numbers set to the music of popular dances. The author highlights two ways of mutual
influence of the examined genres: saturation of the ballet performance with attributes of a suite, making it possible to
attribute the suite-like nature of the compositions and the direct “outgrowth” of the ballet into the suite, when one genre
becomes the cause for creating another one on its foundation. Research of these forms of synthetic unity carried out on
the basis of the one-act ballet “Le Boeuf sur le Toit” and the ballet suite “Les Reves de Jacob” has made it possible to
assert various levels of manifestation in the aforementioned ballets of such features of the suite genre as a reliance on
the dance genre foundation, numbered structure, the predominance of the principle of contrast, and the compositional
simplicity of the respective sections of the entire work.

Keywords: ballet, suite, synthesis of genres, Darius Milhaud, the French “Les Six,” “Le Boeuf sur le Toit,” “Les
Reves de Jacob.”

Article Details

How to Cite
Kobzeva, M. S. (2016). The Synthesis of Ballet and the Suite in the Music of Darius Milhaud. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (4), 151–156.
Musical Genre and Style
Author Biography

Maria S. Kobzeva, Rostovskaya gosudarstvennaya konservatoriya im. S. V. Rakhmaninova / Rostov State S. V. Rachmaninoff Conservatory

Post-graduate student at the Music Theory
and Composition Department


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