Concerning the Role of Culminations in the Bell Peal Improvisation on the Example of the Music Making of the Kizhi Bell-Ringer Alexei Nesterov

Main Article Content

Kirill O. Gureyev


The article is dedicated to the issues of form-generation in contemporary bell-ringing. Any experienced bell-ringer,
relying on the century-old canon, aspires in his improvisations towards perfection of form. The presence of one
or several culminating episodes is a mandatory condition for its creation. The author of the article defines the
expressive means applied by bell-ringers in culminating episodes: dynamics, meter, rhythm, timbre, texture, tempo
and pitch. All the aforementioned means are closely interconnected with each other.
On the example of the well-known Karelian bell-ringer Alexei Nesterov the structure of the bell peal and the
position of the culminating episodes in regards to the other sections of the form are examined. The author defines the
correlation of the culminating episodes with points of the golden mean. Their connection presents a confirmation of the
intuitive sense of form that an experienced bell-ringer improviser possesses.

Keywords: golden mean, improvisation, bell peals, musical culmination, musical form-generation.

Article Details

How to Cite
Gureyev, K. O. (2016). Concerning the Role of Culminations in the Bell Peal Improvisation on the Example of the Music Making of the Kizhi Bell-Ringer Alexei Nesterov. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (3), 92–98.
Musical Cultures of Russia
Author Biography

Kirill O. Gureyev, Petrozavodskaya gosudarstvennaya konservatoriya im. A. K. Glazunova / Petrozavodsk State A. K. Glazunov Conservatory

Post-graduate student


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