Concerning the Issue of Interpretation of Sergei Taneyev’s Choral Music

Main Article Content

Yulia M. Rogachyova


The article is devoted to the question of interpretation of the compositions of Sergei Taneyev for chorus a cappella
in the perspective of the problematics of musical time. Certain compositions are examined from the point of view of
revealing the elements of depiction and expressivity in them. The author of the article believes that Taneyev’s choral
works a cappella are endowed not as much with expressivity per se as with its particular modification, expressed
on a qualitatively new level: it is suggested to call the present phenomenon conditionally “generic depiction.”
Further on, the text of the article discloses this concept and cites corresponding examples from Taneyev’s choral
compositions a cappella. It is possible that this kind of approach may help potential interpreters of Taneyev’s choral
compositions look at them anew and observe not merely “scholarly,” complexly written and texturally luscious – but
genuinely humanistic, ethically significant and, most importantly, remarkably beautiful music.

Keywords: Sergei Taneyev, Taneyev’s choral works, choral music a cappella, interpretation of choral music, depiction
in music.

Article Details

How to Cite
Rogachyova, Y. M. (2016). Concerning the Issue of Interpretation of Sergei Taneyev’s Choral Music. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (3), 80–84.
Musical Text and its Performer
Author Biography

Yulia M. Rogachyova, Rossiyskaya akademiya muzyki im. Gnesinykh / Gnessin Russian Academy of Music

PhD (Arts), Associate Professor
at the Choral Conducting Department


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