“The Signs of the Sounds” in Jukka Tiensuu’s Music for Accordion

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Roman I. Elanskov


Jukka Tiensuu (1948) is a contemporary Finnish composer, pianist, harpsichordist and conductor. He has written
compositions for solo performers and for various ensembles of instruments, including those incorporating accordion.
In Finland the accordion has undergone its own path of development, but until recently mostly traditional, folk
music was performed on it. Jukka Tiensuu shared his aesthetical views about the art of composition in his lecture
“The Future of Music” which he read on April 16, 2000 at the University of California in San Diego. Each one of
his compositions is unlike the other one, cardinally differing in terms of form, content and manifestation of the
composer’s conception. Of considerable interest are his solutions in the sphere of notation of the musical text.
Every composition of his is supplied by the composer’s annotation describing the principles of performance of
various particular extended techniques, as well as the overall form of the composition. A comparative analysis of
compositions by Jukka Tiensuu with those by other contemporary composers shows that his means of notations are
situated within the general framework of the general tendencies of modernism.

Keywords: Julla Tiensuu, accordion, modernism, composers of Finland, contemporary notation.

Article Details

How to Cite
Elanskov, R. I. (2016). “The Signs of the Sounds” in Jukka Tiensuu’s Music for Accordion. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (3), 64–71. https://doi.org/10.17674/1997-0854.2016.3.064-071
Musical Culture of the Peoples of the World
Author Biography

Roman I. Elanskov, Petrozavodskaya gosudarstvennaya konservatoriya im. A. K. Glazunova / Petrozavodsk State A. K. Glazunov Conservatory

Faculty Member of the Folk Instruments Department


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