Concerning Sergei Prokofiev’s Manner of Working on his Musical Compositions (on the Material of the Composer’s and His Contemporaries’ Statements)

Main Article Content

Alexandra A. Shuvalova


The article examines the particular features of Sergei Prokofiev’s artistic thinking, which reflected on his manner
of working on his musical compositions. This type of angle of research has been founded on the rich literary
heritage: statements of the composer himself, as well as observations of Prokofiev’s creative process by his
contemporaries. The author of the article systematizes the techniques used by Prokofiev when creating his musical
compositions, basing herself on a formula of the compositional process suggested by psychologist L.L. Bochkaryov.
The three stages of work on the musical material formulated by the researcher (“exposition” – “development” –
“recapitulation”) correlate harmoniously with Prokofiev’s statements about his own process of composition. At the
same time, attention is chiefly focused on the second stage – the “development.” in his grouping the techniques
of this stage, the author of the article reveals two leading principles of composition: the visibly logical and the
sensuously instinctive. They disclose both the architectonic and the content-based sides of the emerging musical
material. The sources that had been studied made it possible to arrive at a conclusion: the composer’s technique of
composition was founded on detailed preliminary work, based on minute planning of the future opus. Comparable
demands were likewise exerted by Prokofiev on the producers, who commissioned theatrical and film music from
him. A musical composition was begun only when Prokofiev clearly envisaged the plan, the content-based side of
the composition and its primary musical material.

Keywords: Sergei Prokofiev, creative process, principles of artistic thinking.

Article Details

How to Cite
Shuvalova, A. A. (2016). Concerning Sergei Prokofiev’s Manner of Working on his Musical Compositions (on the Material of the Composer’s and His Contemporaries’ Statements). Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (2), 147–152.
Сultural Heritage in Historical Perspective
Author Biography

Alexandra A. Shuvalova, Saratovskaya gosudarstvennaya konservatoriya im. L. V. Sobinova / Saratov State L. V. Sobinov Conservatory

Post-graduate student
at the Music History Department


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