Concerning the Issue of Influence of the Religious Source on the Orchestral and Piano Music of Alemdar Karamanov

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Maria A. Bychenkova
Elena V. Klochkova


Alemdar Karamanov is the creator of a special kind of religious
symphony, which was formed during his mature musical period.
Religious subject matter provided the foundation for: his
symphonic macro-cycles “Sovershyshasya” [“It is Finished”]
in ten movements, inspired by the four Gospels, “Byst’” [“That
Which Shall Be”] consisting of six symphonies, based on the
Book of Revelation, and the Third Piano Concerto, “Ave Мaria.”
The inluence of the religious source material on the composer’s
music formulates the conceptual invariant of his religious musical
compositions. It is deined by the presence of a religious title and a
religious program, the creation of his personal symbolic language,
the usage of traditional rhetorical Baroque igures and symbols a
la Bach, Biblical semantics interpretations of separate instruments,
a semantic rendition of form as a “constructive” analogue to a
religious program, the inluence of the principle of construction of
the religious source on the form of the composition, as well as the
uniication of symphonies into macro-cycles capable of embodying
the scale, diversity and integrity of the religious sources.

Keywords: Alemdar Karamanov, religious symphony, cycles
of symphonies “Soversyshasya,” “Byst,” Piano Concerto “Ave
Maria”, symphony-revelation

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How to Cite
Bychenkova, M. A., & Klochkova, E. V. (2015). Concerning the Issue of Influence of the Religious Source on the Orchestral and Piano Music of Alemdar Karamanov. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (1), 120–125.
Artistic World of Musical Piece
Author Biographies

Maria A. Bychenkova, Maimonides State Classical Academy

Senior faculty member at the Department for Ensemble Performance, Associate Dean for Tutorial Work at the Department of World Musical Culture

Elena V. Klochkova, Maimonides State Classical Academy

Candidate of Arts, Associate Professor, Head at the History and Theory of the Art of Performance Branch of the Department of World Musical Culture


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