In Dialogue with the Time, or the Formula of the Leap

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Anna V. Ukrainskaya


The author presents a review on a monographic work "Gorizonty muzyki: proshloye v nastoyashchem i budushchem" ["Horizons of Music: the Past in the present and the Future"] (Moscow, Kompozitor press, 2015, 736 pp.) by Evgeny Borisovich Trembovelsky, a well-known Russian musicologist, professor, Doctor of Arts, Merited Activist of the Arts of the Russian Federation, laureate of the Dmitri Shostakovich Prize, and chairman of the Music Theory Department of the Voronizh Institute of the Arts. The book compiles together into one selected research works, critical essays, materials from scholarly publications, interviews, memoirs and letters, supplemented by new information and commentaries by the author.

Keywords: Voronezh State Institute for the Arts, Russian musicologists, Evgeny B. Trembovelsky

Article Details

How to Cite
Ukrainskaya, A. V. (2016). In Dialogue with the Time, or the Formula of the Leap. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (1), 133–136.
Author Biography

Anna V. Ukrainskaya, Voronezhskiy gosudarstvennyy institut iskusstv / Voronezh State Institute for the Arts

Украинская Анна Вадимовна – 
кандидат искусствоведения,
доцент кафедры теории музыки
Воронежского государственного
института искусств,
член Союза композиторов РФ