The Technological Particularities of the Formation of the Foundations of Jazz Improvisation in the Class of the Accordion

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Nikolai R. Bazhilin


An analysis of the state of affairs in the performance of jazz compositions and improvisation on the accordion shows
the necessity of modernization of the existent methodologies and the creation of new ones. During а course of a
pedagogical experiment (in which faculty members and students of musical institutions of intermediate and higher
education of Tambov, St. Petersburg, Moscow, Kazan and Kurgan took part) it was asserted that among those who are
most interested in study and instruction of jazz disciplines are young teachers. The author developed a pedagogical
model of formation of the foundations of jazz improvisation in the class of the accordion, aimed at effective mastery by
the students of the foundations of jazz improvisation and performance and the acquisition of the skills of transcription
and orchestration. The substantial directions of the pedagogical process were those related to performance, composition,
musical scholarship and creative communication.
On the bass of this model the author’s original course “The Basics of Jazz Improvisation on the Accordeon”
was created and implemented into the educational process of the Folk Instruments Department of the Tambov
S.V. Rachmaninoff Musical Pedagogical Institute. Its mastery presupposes two stages: instruction of playing in a jazz
style and the formation of foundations of jazz improvisation.
The author arrives at the following conclusions: the formation of the foundations of jazz improvisation in accordion
studies is important for the formation of a flexibly developed personality of the musician and must be begun by study
and implementation into practice of playing in the jazz style; learning the jazz style must be built on mastery over the
rhythmical and melodic elements of jazz, blues tones and harmonies; the specificity of the instrument must be taken
into consideration; the implementation of the discipline “The Basics of Jazz Improvisation on the Accordion” presents
a viable step in the advanced courses of musical education; the most important principle of education is that of sound
reproduction; it is important to take into consideration the individual particularities of the student.

Keywords: musical education, performance on the accordion, jazz improvisation.

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How to Cite
Bazhilin, N. R. (2016). The Technological Particularities of the Formation of the Foundations of Jazz Improvisation in the Class of the Accordion. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (1), 120–126.
Musical Performance and Education
Author Biography

Nikolai R. Bazhilin, Tambovskiy gosudarstvennyy muzykal’no-pedagogicheskiy institut im. S. V. Rakhmaninova / Tambov State S. V. Rachmaninoff Musical-Pedagogical Institute

Faculty member, post-graduate student
at the Folk Instruments Department


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