Composer Viktor Ulyanich: Christian Worldview and Artistic Style

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Irina A. Kaynova


The article presents a concise overview of the musical oeuvres of Russian composer Viktor Stepanovich Ulyanich, whose life witnessed a harmonious intertwining of music, science and faith. The Christian world-perception traverses throughout his entire musical output, whether it is vocal, choral, chamber-instrumental, orchestral, or theater music. the sphere of imagery in his musical compositions is comprised by subjects of nature, the universe and human existence. The musical technological innovations in Ulyanich’s music are vindicated by the necessity of creating an artistic image. He prefers to incorporate completed forms, giving a great deal of attention to the proportions of the respective sections of musical compositions; for him pure harmonies and vivid thematic material become the chief means of expressing musical thought. In terms of development of the musical material, he prefers various types of combinatorial combinatorics, which reflect the mathematical laws of nature. In his music the composer touches upon issues of the fundamental principles of existence, juxtaposing Good and Evil, Life and Death, Light and Darkness, thereby reminding of the initially lofty calling of the human being..

Keywords: composers of Russia, Viktor Ulyanich, computer music, Easter troparion

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How to Cite
Kaynova, I. A. (2015). Composer Viktor Ulyanich: Christian Worldview and Artistic Style. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (4), 139–147.
Music in the System of Culture
Author Biography

Irina A. Kaynova, Rossiyskaya akademiya muzyki im. Gnesinykh / Gnesins’ Russian Academy of Music

Associate Professor
at the Computer Music Department


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