Forming a Second Center of Western Music in the USA

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Antonina S. Maximova


For centuries Europe used to be the only center for academic classical music. The article shows how the historical processes of the end of the 19th and the first half of the 20th centuries led to the formation of a second center of Western music in the USA. The core of this process, according to the author, was formed by European musicians who moved to the New World, whose knowledge and experience were transformed in a special way, by blending here with local musical sources and being subjected to the influences of the American historical realities and particularities of American culture. The concentration of artistic forces in the United States and their activation in the first half of the 20th century, the ceaseless search of paths of development different from the European ones, along with an essential sense of openness to external interactions conditioned the specific features and the rise of the American musical scene. Being on par with the European scene in terms of its diversity, it became a place of crystallization for new vectors of development of Western music.

Keywords: Western music, 20th century music, American music studies, experimental music

Article Details

How to Cite
Maximova, A. S. (2015). Forming a Second Center of Western Music in the USA. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (4), 132–137.
History of Western Music
Author Biography

Antonina S. Maximova, Petrozavodskaya gosudarstvennaya konservatoriya im. A. K. Glazunova / Petrozavodsk State A. K. Glazunov Conservatory

Faculty Member at the Music History Department


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