Polystilistic Trends in the Music of Vladimir Mishle

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Ivan A. Subbotin


The article is devoted to one of the popular techniques of contemporary composition, which has not been sufficiently researched in the examples of a heterogeneous mode of artistic consciousness. On the example of compositions by Saratov-based composer Vladimir Mishle a study is made of the peculiarities of polystylistics as the main compositional technique and the leading principle of his musical thinking. This kind of character of creative consciousness is generated by the composer’s aesthetics and artistic worldview, in which the coexistence of diverse elements acquires the character of inner necessity. The content-wise structural aspect of this research discloses the collage-type and symbiotic types of polystylistics. The technique of collage is characterized by the use of quotations and mounting technique, as well as closeness of intonation of various thematic and genre-related spheres. A symbiosis emerges on the basis of imitation of the stylistic model of a particular epoch, genre or concrete compositional style and creates an imprecision of division between the composer’s own music and derived musical material, as well as their mutual interaction, which is devoid of conflict. The blending together of elements of various types of polystylistics (a frequent occurrence within the framework of a single composition) stipulated the peculiarities of specificity of genre, dramaturgy and form of Vladimir Mishle’s compositions. The genres and forms of 18th century music (theme and variations, rondo, suite, fantasia, prelude, fugue, concerto) correspond to the composer’s understanding of polystylistics as a domain of connection of various aesthetical positions and musical languages. The sonata form and the symphonic method of development of many works by the composer present themselves as bearers of play dramaturgy of the music of the classics. The unconflicting dialogue (the main event and attribute of play systems) in the sonatas of Haydn and Mozart and the polystylistis of Vladimir Mishle find themselves within the field of single means of coding of musical information and actualize the element of play as a possibility of expressing the polyvalent (polystylistic) interpretation of the world.

Keywords: composers of Russia, Vladimir Mishle, polystylistics, collage, allusion, quotation, stylization, parody, quodlibet, logic of play, sonata quality

Article Details

How to Cite
Subbotin, I. A. (2015). Polystilistic Trends in the Music of Vladimir Mishle. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (4), 83–88. https://doi.org/10.17674/1997-0854.2015.4.083-088
Musical Genre and Style
Author Biography

Ivan A. Subbotin, Saratovskaya gosudarstvennaya konservatoriya im. L. V. Sobinova / Saratov State L. V. Sobinov Conservatory

Post-graduate student at the Music Theory
and Composition Department


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