From Alexander Izosimov’s Vocal Cycle “Songs of the Wonderful Stranger” to Paintings by Svetlana and Sabir Gadzhiev

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Galina P. Ovsyankina


The «Songs of the Wonderful Stranger» by St. Petersburg-based composer Alexander Izosimov (b. 1958) represent a special genre – a vocal relay for four soloists with piano. According to the composer’s plan “the soloists mimic passing a baton from one to another,” while performance by voices varying from each other in timbre and tessitura (soprano, mezzo-soprano, tenor and bass) create a dramaturgy of timbre, bringing the vocal cycle closer to a psychological performace-reflection or narrative.

The vocal cycle was composed during the course of twenty five years (1979–2004). The eighteen songs comprising it form a unified reflective action, which may be divided into two large-scale parts. Its core is formed by settings of poems of Arseny Tarkovsky (thirteen movements), which are joined by settings of poems by German Romanticist poets – Novalis, Ludwig Uhland and Eduard Moericke – as wel as a setting of a poem by Alexander Blok.

Having been generated by the poetic word, the «Songs of the Wonderful Stranger» inspired the creation of a number of picturesque canvases, generating a ternary synthesis of the arts. The St. Petersburg-based artists Svetlana and Sabir Gadzhiev created a number of paintings depicting this relay vocal cycle. It would be difficult to classify their stylistic personalities to any single trend. They correspond to the vocal cycle by their bright scale of colors, original symbolism and a joyful world perception.

Keywords: vocal genre, vocal cycle, song, poem with music, dramaturgy of timbre, musical language, painting, stylistic trend

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How to Cite
Ovsyankina, G. P. (2015). From Alexander Izosimov’s Vocal Cycle “Songs of the Wonderful Stranger” to Paintings by Svetlana and Sabir Gadzhiev. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (4), 43–48.
International Division
Author Biography

Galina P. Ovsyankina, Rossiyskiy gosudarstvennyy pedagogicheskiy universitet im. A. I. Gertsena / Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia

Dr. Sci. (Arts),
Professor at the Department
of Musical Education


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