Concerning Certain Peculiarities of the Variation of Genre and Style in the Cycle of Strict Variations on the Example of the “Theme and Variations” by Balis Dvarionas

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Ekaterina V. Ivanova
Maksim A. Kharin


The article is aimed at revealing the peculiarities of variation of style and genre in the cycle of strict variations in 20th century music. On the example of the Theme and Variations for bassoon and piano (1946) by Lithuanian composer Balis Dvarionas, it is shown that one of the chief normative peculiarities of form-generation in the cycle of variations is the means of thematic transformation. The ornamental and textural-registral re-exposition of the main theme customary for strict variations makes way for a saturating development of the musical material, based on genre and style. One can discern in the intensity of the genre-related metamorphoses a resemblance to certain cycles of strict variation by Ludwig van Beethoven.

The aim of the detailed examination of variations is to disclose the mutuality of the genre-related and the melodic-textural means of varying in strict variations, in contrast to the established conception of the predominance of genre-related varying in free variations. The attention of the two authors of this article is separately focused on the analysis of the syntactic foundation of the musical theme in the genre of variations, since separate elements of the theme present the thematic foundation for the relief and background material of each variation. Within the variation cycle one can also trace features of other musical forms.

The authors make the attempt to trace the genre-temporal retrospective from the 20th to the 17th century, highlighting the process of democratization of the art of music, the unification of vernacular and professional genres.

Keywords: Balis Dvarionas, Lithuanian composers, strict variations in 20th century music

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How to Cite
Ivanova, E. V., & Kharin, M. A. (2015). Concerning Certain Peculiarities of the Variation of Genre and Style in the Cycle of Strict Variations on the Example of the “Theme and Variations” by Balis Dvarionas. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (3), 104–112.
Music Theory
Author Biographies

Ekaterina V. Ivanova, Yaroslavskoe muzykal’noe uchilishche (kolledzh) im. L. V. Sobinova / Yaroslavl L. V. Sobinov Music College

Teacher of music theory disciplines

Maksim A. Kharin, Yaroslavskoe muzykal’noe uchilishche (kolledzh) im. L. V. Sobinova / Yaroslavl L. V. Sobinov Music College

Candidate of Technical Sciences
Student at the Department for Wind
and Percussion Instruments


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