An Innovative Approach to the Process of Forming Creativity in Pupils of Present-Day Music Schools

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Olga N. Zotova


The article is devoted to the innovative trend in present-day musical education. The author throws light upon the main structural components of the creativity of the musically gifted child, the indispensable pedagogical conditions, principles and methods of his or her effective formation in the process of innovative training in the sphere of musical culture.

Keywords: creativity, innovation, erudition, musical culture

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How to Cite
Zotova, O. N. (2013). An Innovative Approach to the Process of Forming Creativity in Pupils of Present-Day Music Schools. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (1), 272–275. Retrieved from
Innovation in Musical Education
Author Biography

Olga N. Zotova, The N.K. Guselnikov Children’s Music School N.3 of the city Dzerzhinsk

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences (PhD) and is a methodologist and teacher


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