The “Personal” Homage-Concertos by Efrem Podgaits: Concerning the Problem of Interpretation of the Genre

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Galina A. Rubakhina


The article is devoted to disclosing the peculiarities of the interpretation by composer Efrem Podgaits of the “personal” homage-concertos, most notably, those qualities of thematicism and the methods of its development, of form and dramaturgy which direct the listener’s attention to realizing the composer’s main idea. The result of this study is disclosure of the fundamental constants of the individualized version of the concerto genre.

Keywords: Efrem Podgaits, the homage-concertos, poly-form, modification, poly-variant

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How to Cite
Rubakhina, G. A. (2013). The “Personal” Homage-Concertos by Efrem Podgaits: Concerning the Problem of Interpretation of the Genre. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (1), 260–263. Retrieved from
Contemporary Musical Art
Author Biography

Galina A. Rubakhina, Rostov State S.V. Rachmaninoff Conservatory

Post-graduate student at the Music Theory Department


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