The Slow Introductions in Haydn’s Symphonies in Light of Musical Perception

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Elena S. Drynkina


The article examines the slow introductions in the first movements of Haydn’s symphonies in light of the process of musical communication. The author distinguishes two major positions in the auditory perception of the music in the slow introductions: one, focused on the convenience and comfort of perception, which is achieved by the structured aspects of the musical sections, particular thematic units and principles of development, and the other, focused on the diverting side of musical texture connected with various kinds of “surprises,” such as those in the harmony and dynamics, as well as in the correlation between the slow introductions to the first movements with the subsequent sonata form and the other movements of the symphonies.

Keywords: slow introductions in Haydn’s symphonies, focus on the perception of music, process of musical communication, listener, “surprise”

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How to Cite
Drynkina, E. S. (2013). The Slow Introductions in Haydn’s Symphonies in Light of Musical Perception. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (1), 209–214. Retrieved from
Musical Poetics, Rhetoric and Semantics
Author Biography

Elena S. Drynkina, The Saratov State L.V. Sobinov Conservatory

Faculty member of the Music Theory and Composition Department Conservatory and a post-graduate student at the Music History Department


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