Valentin Silvestrov and the “Chinari”: Parallels of World Perception

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Natalia G. Protasova


The article examines the similarity of the world perception of composer Valentin Silvestrov with the ideas of the Leningrad-based literary group of the 1920s and 1930s, the “Chinari.” The “motive of the herald” and the “motive of the moment” are singled out as the primary motives.

Keywords: Unification of Real Art, the “Chinari,” Valentin Silvestrov, motive of the herald

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How to Cite
Protasova, N. G. (2013). Valentin Silvestrov and the “Chinari”: Parallels of World Perception. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (1), 196–198. Retrieved from
Artistic World of Musical Piece
Author Biography

Natalia G. Protasova, Kemerovo State Institute for Culture and the Arts

Assistant Professor at the Department of Performance on Orchestral Instruments


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2. «…Sborishche druzey, ostavlennykh sud'boyu». A. Vvedenskiy, L. Lipavskiy, Ya. Druskin, D. Kharms, N. Oleynikov: «chinari» v tekstakh, dokumentakh i issledovaniyakh: v 2 t. / sost. V. N. Sazhin. – M.: Ladomir, 2000. – T. 1.
3. «…Sborishche druzey, ostavlennykh sud'boyu». A. Vvedenskiy, L. Lipavskiy, Ya. Druskin, D. Kharms, N. Oleynikov: «chinari» v tekstakh, dokumentakh i issledovaniyakh: v 2 t. / sost. V. N. Sazhin. M.: Ladomir, 2000. – T. 2.