The Synesthetic Aspect of Interpretation in the Genre of Opera (On the Example of Piotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky’s “The Queen of Spades”)

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Svetlana Yu. Lysenko


The article is devoted to analysis of the issue of step-by-step multilevel interpretation from the perspective of the scenic rendition of opera. The author incorporates a synesthetic approach which makes it possible to examine the profound non-verbal forms of formation of meaning in an artistic text. On the example of Tchaikovsky’s opera “The Queen of Spades” in the production of Graham Vick (at the Glyndebourne Festival) there is an examination of the hidden mechanisms of inter-sensual associations in the process of the “translation” of Pushkin’s text into other forms of art. In regard to the analysis of the interpretation of production in the genre of opera the notion of the non-verbal concept is incorporated for the first time, which makes it possible to research the mechanism of the non-verbal semantic “re-expression” between the various planes in an opera performance – the verbal, musical and scenographic.

Keywords: interpretation of production in the genre of opera, Graham Vick, a synesthetic approach to an opera performance

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How to Cite
Lysenko, S. Y. (2013). The Synesthetic Aspect of Interpretation in the Genre of Opera (On the Example of Piotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky’s “The Queen of Spades”). Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (1), 190–195. Retrieved from
Artistic World of Musical Piece
Author Biography

Svetlana Yu. Lysenko, Khabarovsk State Institute for the Arts and Culture

Candidate of Arts (PhD) and is an assistant professor (docent) at the Theory and History of Music and Instrumental Performance Department


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