Concerning the Totemic Images in Alexander Beloborodov’s Balet “The Rock of Two Swans”

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Tatiana S. Ekimenko


The article deals with the particular features of the poetic source and the music of the ballet “The Rock of Two Swans” by the contemporary Karelian composer Alexander Beloborodov, in the context of study of the totemic principle. The totemic images in Taisto Summanen and Alexander Beloborodov are examined, and the modal and harmonic peculiarities of the musical language connected with totemic images are analyzed.

Keywords: Alexander Beloborodov, “The Rock of Two Swans,” poem, ballet, totem

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How to Cite
Ekimenko, T. S. (2013). Concerning the Totemic Images in Alexander Beloborodov’s Balet “The Rock of Two Swans”. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (1), 111–116. Retrieved from
Musical Theater
Author Biography

Tatiana S. Ekimenko, The Petrazavodsk State A.K. Glazunov Conservatory

Candidate of Arts (PhD) and is an assistant professor (docent) at the Music Theory and Composition Department


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