The Bashkir Folksong in the Music by Kamil Rakhimov: Regarding the Issue of Interpretation of Folk Music

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Milyausha A. Idrisova


The article examines the genre of folksong arrangement, which in the conditions of the formation of Bashkir musical culture (the 1920s–1940s) became an indicator of the overall processes of formation of musical thinking. The main paths of treatment of folk music sources by composers are defined. The author demonstrates the means for preservation of the specific features of the representative genres of Bashkir folk music – the ozon-kuy and the kyska-kuy, touches on the problem of implementation monody into the multi-voiced texture present in the tradition of serious classical music. The significance of the artistic discoveries in the music of Kamil Rakhimov for the significance of development of Bashkir musical culture is disclosed.

Keywords: Bashkir musical culture, genre, arrangement, ozon-kuy, monody

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How to Cite
Idrisova, M. A. (2013). The Bashkir Folksong in the Music by Kamil Rakhimov: Regarding the Issue of Interpretation of Folk Music. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (1), 59–65. Retrieved from
Musical Cultures of Russia
Author Biography

Milyausha A. Idrisova, Ufa State Academy of Arts named after Zagir Ismagilov

Post-graduate student of the Music Theory


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