The Phenomenon of Existence of the Saratov Harmonica in the Kalmyk Traditional Culture: an Aspect of Musical Ethnography

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Alevtina A. Mikhailova


At the focus of the article’s attention are the questions of intercultural interactivity in the Kalmyk traditional culture. Characterization is given to the processes of the emergence in the early 20th century of the Saratov harmonica (ikel in Kalmyk), which became a genuinely national instrument in the Kalmyk musical culture, an organic element of ritual activities. Study is made of the genre structure of the repertoire of Kalmyk performers on the Saratov harmonica. The author examines the dance music of the Kalmyks performed on the Saratov harmonica, also making emphasis on performance of ritual songs, chastushki and the special genre of eulogy. Despite the prevalence of dance music, the practice of the instrument’s functioning in the Kalmyk traditional culture possesses a broad spectrum of possibilities.

Keywords: Kalmyk traditional culture, folk instruments, Saratov harmonica, Kalmyk dance music

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How to Cite
Mikhailova, A. A. (2013). The Phenomenon of Existence of the Saratov Harmonica in the Kalmyk Traditional Culture: an Aspect of Musical Ethnography. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (1), 48–53. Retrieved from
Musical Cultures of Russia
Author Biography

Alevtina A. Mikhailova, The Saratov State L.V. Sobinov Conservatory

Candidate of Arts,
Associate Professor at the Department of Solo Singing
and Ethnomusicology


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