Sympho-Electronic Music: a Genesis

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Aram S. Enfiadjian


The article analyzes the processes of the origin and formation of sympho-electronic music (SEM) from the point of view of the evolution of the standard academic electronic music (AEM) in general. The concept of SEM, having organically assimilated into itself the most qualified achievements of Western electronic music, was built on the platform of Soviet and Russian musicology. The author stresses that in the late 1980s the formation of AEM was finally completed and actualized, and it was able to assert itself as a highly significant phenomenon of modern musical culture. At that, the status of the flagship of the genre has been entrenched for SEM. Thereby, the great symphonic legacy of the European musical tradition, having overcome the destructive ideology of postmodernism, has revived with new strength and new possibilities in the concept of SEM, having its priority in Russia.

Keywords: sympho-electronic music (SEM), academic electronic music (AEM), the Russian SEM-concept

Article Details

How to Cite
Enfiadjian, A. S. (2013). Sympho-Electronic Music: a Genesis. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (1), 36–41. Retrieved from
Electronic Music
Author Biography

Aram S. Enfiadjian, Art-Humanitarian Center

The head