The Optimization of the Algorithm of Dynamic Tuning with the Consideration of Objective Characteristic Features of Musical Sound

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Mikhail Yu. Knyazev


This article examines a new approach towards the realization of a dynamic tuning system, which is currently being developed, presenting an alternative to fixed tuning. Dynamic tuning makes it possible to modify in a flexible manner the tempered scale to improve the acoustic quality of the intervals and chords. If one is to take into account the physical properties of musical sound and some features of perception, it essentially becomes possible to simplify the algorithm of the system’s functioning. Examples of analysis of fragments of musical compositions are given as a demonstration of the applicability of our theory.

Keywords: Dynamic tuning system, Fourier analysis, Pythagorean comma, indeterminateness, frequency, FWHM (Full Width Half Maximum)

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How to Cite
Knyazev, M. Y. (2013). The Optimization of the Algorithm of Dynamic Tuning with the Consideration of Objective Characteristic Features of Musical Sound. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (1), 16–21. Retrieved from
Horizonts of Musicology
Author Biography

Mikhail Yu. Knyazev, Voronezh State Academy for the Arts



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