The Harmonium as Part of the Instrumental Component of the Organ Culture

Main Article Content

Anna N. Pronina


The author turns to the issue – hitherto insufficiently researched
in Russian musicology, of the history of the tongue organ,
better known in Russia as the harmonium. Distinct attention is
given to the terminology used in Russian musical literature, as
well as that of other countries (such terms as “tongue organ,”
“harmonium,” “fisgarmoniya”). On the basis of an assortment of
sources from outside Russia, the history of the instrument, the
technical features of its European and American varieties, as well
as the aspects of its usage in sacred and secular musical practice
are examined. In the field of development of the harmonium,
the tendency is brought out of its approach towards the trumpet
organ, which became reflected in the features of sound, the outer
appearance and its functioning in the confessional sphere. The
author arrives at the conclusion that as the result of the unique set
of characteristic features, the harmonium became an important
component of the group of instruments related to the organ.
Presenting in itself an alternative to the wind organ, it took on
itself the latter’s functions in those areas where in light of variouscircumstances (distance from or absence of the organ-building
industry and servicing of the instruments, or the impossibility
of purchasing an expensive organ), usage of the latter became
extremely difficult or entirely unfeasible. This kind of role, for
example, was played by the harmonium in the formation of
the organ culture in Russia in the 19th and early 20th century,
especially in the provincial regions.

Keywords: organ culture, organ, harmonium, tongue organ

Article Details

How to Cite
Pronina, A. N. (2014). The Harmonium as Part of the Instrumental Component of the Organ Culture. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (1), 75–80. Retrieved from
Music in the System of Culture
Author Biography

Anna N. Pronina, The Novosibirsk State M.I. Glinka Conservatory

Post-graduate student at the Music History Department


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