The Interaction of the Poetic and Musical Texts in the Genre of the Short Choral Composition (on the Example of Vitaly Khodosh’s “Spring” from his Choral Cycle “The Seasons”)

Main Article Content

Inna V. Grinchenko


The article examines a short composition by Russian composer
Vitaly Khodosh for mixed chorus a cappella set to a poem by
Valery Bryusov. The author analyzes the poetical source and
shows the means of its transformation by the composer. Each
musical strophe is characterized in the aspect of the correlation
of the verbal and musical intonation, the poetical and the musical
rhythm; the connection of the texts is revealed on the syntactic
and compositional levels. The musical and poetic texts find
themselves in a complex interweaving, while the mechanism of
interaction between the poetry and the music presents itself as
being directed in opposite sides from each other. The musical
text overcomes the constructive inertia, provoking motion
coming from the opposite direction. The inner vibration endows
a special type of expressivity to the genre of the short choral

Keywords: Vitaly Khodosh, Valery Bryusov, the a cappella
chorus, the musical strophe, the poetical word and music

Article Details

How to Cite
Grinchenko, I. V. (2013). The Interaction of the Poetic and Musical Texts in the Genre of the Short Choral Composition (on the Example of Vitaly Khodosh’s “Spring” from his Choral Cycle “The Seasons”). Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (2), 273–276. Retrieved from
Musical Genre and Style
Author Biography

Inna V. Grinchenko, The Rostov State S.V. Rachmaninoff Conservatory

Post-graduate student at the Music Theory Department


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