Arts Faculty of the Classical University in the Musical and Educational Space of Russia

Main Article Content

Natalya I. Ivanova
Dmitry N. Semkin


The relevance of this article is due to the steady attention to preserving Russian musical education traditions and, at the same time, to applying accumulated world experience in this field. The purpose of the work is to study functioning the faculties of arts (faculties of music) of classical universities on the example of the Chuvash State I.N. Ulyanov University Faculty of Arts – the firstborn of higher musical and performing education of the Chuvash Republic. The article has made a brief comparative analysis of structure, tasks and place among other similar faculties (at Moscow State Lomonosov University, Omsk, Kursk, Ulyanovsk, and Altai State Universities). A parallel is drawn with the arts faculties experience of foreign classical universities. The main distinctive features of the faculty are described, detailed information is provided on the results of activities and achievements over the past decade (2014–2024), including brief information about the most famous graduates of the faculty. Conclusions are drawn about the significant contribution of the Arts Faculty to developing the regional system of higher musical education at the current stage of the country's development and the great importance of such faculties in preserving and strengthening the multinational domestic musical culture.

Keywords: higher musical education, Arts Faculty, conservatory, University Musicology, Chuvash State I.N. Ulyanov University, Maurice Nikolaevich Yaklashkin.

Article Details

How to Cite
Ivanova Н. И., & Semkin Д. Н. (2024). Arts Faculty of the Classical University in the Musical and Educational Space of Russia. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 55(2), 221–234.
Музыкальное образование: теория, методика, практика
Author Biographies

Natalya I. Ivanova, Chuvash State I.N. Ulyanov University, Cheboksary, Russia

PhD (Pedagogy), Associate Professor, Head at the Instrumental Performance and Conducting Department

Dmitry N. Semkin, Chuvash State I.N. Ulyanov University, Cheboksary, Russia

PhD (Science), Associate Professor, Head at the Vocal Art Department