L. Messman in the Musical Culture of Adygea

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Galina B. Luganskaya


The article attempts to recreate a holistic picture of the activities of the composer, conductor, music critic Vladimir Lvovich Messman (1898–1972) and his role in the history of cultural construction in Adygea. The work seems to be relevant in the light of modern reassessment processes of the twentieth century national musical culture dynamics phenomena.
Biographical information about the composer’s life and work is given in the context of historical and cultural transformations of Russia and the birth of the creatorʼs personality as the Soviet era person. Some facts of the first (1925) musical and ethnographic expedition to Adygea are presented to the scientific community for the first time. The article analyzes V.L. Messman’s interaction with cultural figures, scientists, heads of state institutions of the RSFSR, Kazakhstan and the Adyghe Autonomous Region in the restoration process and sound recording of the first and creation of new symphonic works based on Adyghe folklore (60s–70s of the XX century).
Attention is focused on the specifics of the relationship between folklore and professional creativity in the composerʼs symphonic works and the emergence of typical forms and methods of using ethnic musical material. A logical conclusion is made about the valuable contribution of V.L. Messman to the history of Russian and Adyghe musical culture as a folklorist, composer, conductor and educator. The study opens up the prospect of further research of Slavic-Adyghe cultural relations and Russian composers’ activities to preserve the traditional culture of the Adyghe.

Keywords: Russian composers, cultural construction, Adyghe musical culture, musical and ethnographic expedition, V.L. Messman, I.S. Tsei, T.M. Kerashev, Slavic-Adyghe cultural relations.

Article Details

How to Cite
Luganskaya Г. Б. (2024). L. Messman in the Musical Culture of Adygea. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 55(2), 206–220. https://doi.org/10.17674/2782-3601.2024.2.206-220
Area Studies in Music
Author Biography

Galina B. Luganskaya, Adyghe Republican T.M. Kerashev Institute for Humanitarian Studies, Maykop, Russia

PhD (Pedagogical Science), Leading Researcher at the Slavic-Adygea Cultural Relations Department