Religion and Faith in Understanding N.F. Findeisen (According to "Notes, Plans, Sketches")

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Marina L. Kosmovskaya


The second publication of notebook fragments entitled “Notes, Plans, Sketchesˮ5 [1] by Nikolai Fedorovich Findeisen (1868–1918) reveals certain aspects of the attitude to religion and faith that underlay his worldview as a historian, historiographer and source scholar, music publicist and critic, creator and permanent editor of the “Russian Musical Newspaperˮ (1894–1918, further – RMN). The main aim of working with Findeisen’s archive is to restore objective attitude to his active and multifaceted activities. The purpose of this article is to present N.F. Findeisen’s statements about faith and the church, religious cults and ideas, about church music and spiritual poems folk performers: blind wandering musicians – kaliki perekhozhie (passing); about the heading in the RMN and plans to transform this publication into a new one, church orientation, fortunately for Russian musicology it has not been implemented.
He wrote about all it in his notebook, which partly determines the aphoristic style of his statements and brief plans for subsequent works and entire areas of activity.
The introductory article gives N.F. Findeisen’s religious views brief description and an analysis of his statements connected with this subject in “Notes, Plans, Sketchesˮ.
The main section represents the publication of manuscript fragments with preserving the peculiarities of his speech, underscores and abbreviations (with the decoding of unfinished words in angle brackets). Spelling and syntax are close to modern rules. The notes supplement and expand information about the authorʼs text (dates, sheets), comment on individual moments of his statements, draw parallels with thoughts and ideas from his other manuscripts.

Keywords: N.F. Findeisen, Russian music history, philosophy, diaries, church, religion, Orthodox faith, kaliki perekhozhie.

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How to Cite
Kosmovskaya М. Л. (2024). Religion and Faith in Understanding N.F. Findeisen (According to "Notes, Plans, Sketches"). Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 54(1), 28–47.
From the History of Domestic Thought about Music
Author Biography

Marina L. Kosmovskaya, Kursk State University, Kursk, Russia

Dr.Sci (Arts), Professor at the Musical Education and Performing Department, Research Laboratory of Music and Computer Technologies Chief Researcher, Kursk State University, Member of the Composers’ Union of Russia.