Seventeen Fragments from the Manuscript "Notes, Plans, Sketches" by N.F. Findeisen

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Marina L. Kosmovskaya


The presentation of the previously unpublished manuscript by Nikolai Fedorovich Findeisen (1868–1918); historian, historiographer and source scholar, music publicist and critic, creator and permanent editor of the “Russian Musical Newspaper” (1894–1918) is a continuation of the work on studying his legacy.
The article structure preserves the traditional triparty for publishing manuscripts by N.F. Findeisen. The introductory article (the first section of the given publication) reveals the significance of the notebook in his creative activity and legacy, showing the versatility of thinking and the complexity of his interests. Such a review makes it possible to formulate some topics for future publications. Then follow fragments of the manuscript (the second section), selected and numbered by the author himself, which are given in full, without abbreviations and notes of individual words. Spelling and syntax are given in the modern version. The comments (the third section) have particular importance in publishing Findeisen’s manuscripts, as far as they clarify information about the date of recording, peculiarities of his textual work as well as addition for understanding his statements.
The main aim of publishing materials and articles about N.F. Findeisen is to interest researchers in his manuscripts and, in general, in a huge legacy, the development of which, despite the publications of recent years [1–6] can bring much more discoveries and interesting facts to musicology. The purpose of this article is the first acquaintance with his notebook and poorly covered in the press the interests and positions of the editor-publisher and an outstanding music and public figure.

Keywords: N.F. Findeisen, history of Russian music, archive, publication of diary manuscripts, notebook, aphorisms.

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How to Cite
Kosmovskaya М. Л. (2023). Seventeen Fragments from the Manuscript "Notes, Plans, Sketches" by N.F. Findeisen. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 52(3), 73–85. Retrieved from
From the History of Domestic Thought about Music
Author Biography

Marina L. Kosmovskaya, Kursk State University, Kursk, Russia

Dr.Sci (Arts), Professor, Chief Researcher of the of Music and Computer Technologies Research Laboratory, Professor at the Music Education and Performance Department

The Union of Composers of Russia Member,