Jules Conus, a Teacher

Main Article Content

Anastasia L. Balatskaya


This publication is dedicated to the teaching activities of J.E. Conus, an outstanding violinist, graduate of the Moscow Conservatory, author of the famous Violin Concerto. The history knows the patronizing attitude of P.I. Tchaikovsky and such teachers as S.I. Taneev and I.V. Grzhimali to him.
This article is the first step-by-step reconstruction of the J.E. Conus’ pedagogical activity. The study of archival documents and authoritative sources gives the possibility to reveal a significant number of previously unknown facts. Their totality defines the pedagogical profile as one of the key in the Jules Eduardovich’ s creative work.
The aim of this article is to broaden the idea of J.E. Conusʼ work in the educational field as far as this range of his activity up to now has remained in the shadow of outstanding violin teachers
in pre-revolutionary Russia and the USSR. The article notes that almost all of Conusʼ works, capable to expand the pedagogical repertoire, after his death were forgotten as they were not published.
At the same time Conusʼ pedagogical legacy has not lost its relevance. It can become a useful teaching material in mastering all the difficulties that young violinists encounter on the way
to performing perfection.

Keywords: J.E. Conus, violin art, violin pedagogy, Moscow Conservatory, Russian Conservatory in Paris.

Article Details

How to Cite
Balatskaya А. Л. (2023). Jules Conus, a Teacher. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 51(2), 31–40. Retrieved from https://musicscholar.ru/index.php/PMN/article/view/1443
From the History of Domestic Musical Culture
Author Biography

Anastasia L. Balatskaya, Russian State Specialized Academy of Arts, Moscow, Russia

A Post graduate student at the Music Theory and History Department