Aspiration Towards Sound. The Mysteries of the Piano Touch

Main Article Content

Natalia S. Gavrilova


The problems of sound production and the search for the
appropriate touch which a pianist has to deal with appeared
along with the invention of the piano. In the book of the famous
German piano teacher Carl Adolf Martienssen “Individual Piano
Technique on the Basis of the Creative Sound Will” there are
original indications in which directions it is necessary for a
pianist to work in order to solve these problems. The author
of the article presents her own interpretation of Martienssen’s
recommendations. She examines Martienssen’s analysis of the
pianist’s action and contemplation upon sound production in
light of the achievements of 20th century scientific thought.
The physiological and psychological attitudes, which determine
the technical and artistic sides of performance, are also
examined. Psychological issues of memory, consciousness
and emotion are given serious consideration. The presentday
level of development of general and musical psychology
makes it possible to solve many problems in piano performance,
including the search for the proper touch.

Keywords: technique of the piano touch, Carl Adolf
Martienssen, sound production on the piano

Article Details

How to Cite
Gavrilova, N. S. (2013). Aspiration Towards Sound. The Mysteries of the Piano Touch. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (2), 205–209. Retrieved from
Musical Text and its Performer
Author Biography

Natalia S. Gavrilova, Maimonides State Classical Academy

Assistant Professor at the Department of World Musical
Culture of the Maimonides State Classical Academy,
Performer at the Moscow State Philharmonic Society


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