New About Taneyev (About Three Unfinished Composer’s Autographs)

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Nadezda S. Ganenko


The article is dedicated to the textual study of autographs of three unfinished vocal miniatures by S.I. Taneyev, undertaken for the first time. Two terzetto for tenor and two basses with a piano “About what in the silence of nights”, “I was waiting for you in the grotto” and the romance “Voice in the Forest” by S.I. Taneyev were written by the composer specifically for the manuscript amateur magazine “Zakholustie”, but they were not completed. The article discusses the history of their creating, the peculiarities of Taneyev’s creative process when composing miniatures. As a result of the textual analysis of the composer’s autographs and published works in the final version of An. Alexandrov (1965-66) it has managed to clarify what belongs to the pen of Taneyev, and what his pupil introduced. In the drafts of the ensembles “I was waiting for you in the grotto”, “About what in the silence of nights”, Taneyev completely recorded the vocal parts, and the piano one was fixed in a bass form. In the romance “The Voice in the Forest”, the piano part texture is marked in fragments. Thus, it is discovered that in the published version of the compositions, the texture of the piano part was composed by Alexandrov.

Keywords: Sergei Taneyev, the magazine “Zakholystie”, autograph, vocal ensembles, romance.

Article Details

How to Cite
Ganenko Н. С. (2023). New About Taneyev (About Three Unfinished Composer’s Autographs). Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 50(1), 103–110. Retrieved from
From the History of Domestic Musical Culture
Author Biography

Nadezda S. Ganenko, Saint-Petersburg State Conservatory named after N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

PhD (Arts), Professor at the General Course and Methods of Teaching the Piano Department