“Russian Musical Newspaper” and N.F. Findeisen’s Archive as Humanitarian Science Factual Sources

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Marina L. Kosmovskaya


The article summarizes the results of work with the legacy of Nikolai Fyodorovich Findeisen (1868–1928), a scientist, historian and historiographer of Russian music, the initiator and permanent editor (1894–1918) of the Russian Musical Newspaper (RMN), one of the largest musicological archives creator (about 6000 storage units). A review of archive materials and research papers published over the past three and a half decades opens up new horizons for scientific research. The continuation of the work should contribute to the expansion of an objective attitude towards the music writer and critic, whose personal position was a component of forming musical atmosphere of the era.
The purpose of the article is to expand the research interest of musicologists to N.F. Findeisen’s heritage and work. It is proposed to continue working with his archive in the following spheres: completing the publication of “everyday diariesˮ and carrying out the similar work with the manuscripts of the “Musical Diaryˮ and notebooks; developing the correspondence between the editor and the musicians; analyzing publications of the section “Music in the Provincesˮ of the “RMN”. Generalizing works are intended to become publications of collections of his articles on various subjects and problems, as well as a collection of memoirs of N.F. Findeisen’s contemporaries and the works of musicologists of the 21st century on the effect of his work on the history and practice of musical science.

Keywords: N.F. Findeizen, archive, diaries, music history, epistolary heritage, musical local history.

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How to Cite
Kosmovskaya М. Л. (2023). “Russian Musical Newspaper” and N.F. Findeisen’s Archive as Humanitarian Science Factual Sources . Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 50(1), 55–63. Retrieved from https://musicscholar.ru/index.php/PMN/article/view/1426
From the History of Domestic Thought about Music
Author Biography

Marina L. Kosmovskaya, Kursk State University, Kursk, Russia

DrSci (Arts), Professor at the Musical Education and Performing Department, Chief Researcher of the Research Laboratory of Music and Computer Technologies, Member of the Composers’ Union of Russia