Questions of Terminology, or “Concerning the Benefits of Being Naïve”

Main Article Content

Mark G. Aranovsky


Published from the edition: Muzykal’noye soderzhanie:
nauka i pedagogika: materialy Pervoy Rossiyskoy nauchnoprakticheskoy
konferentsii 4-5 dekabrya 2000 g. Moskovskaya
gosudarstvennaya konservatoria im. P.I. Tchaikovskogo [Musical
Content: Research and Pedagogy: materials from the first Russian
Research-Practical Conference on December 4-5, 2000]. Moscow
State P. I. Tchaikovsky Conservatory / Editor in Chief and
Compiler V.N. Kholopova. Moscow-Ufa, 2002. pp. 24–31.

Article Details

How to Cite
Aranovsky, M. G. (2013). Questions of Terminology, or “Concerning the Benefits of Being Naïve”. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (2), 194–196. Retrieved from
Tribune of the Opponent
Author Biography

Mark G. Aranovsky, State Institute for Art Studies

Mark G. Aranovsky (1928–2009) –
Doctor of Arts, Professor,
Head of the Section for Contemporary Problems of the Art
of Music of the State Institute for Art Studies (2003–2009)