The Japanese Myth of the Dancing Goddess and Its Implementation in the Work by P. Swerts "Uzume Dance" for Saxophone

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Veronika S. Pankeeva


In the context of the work of the contemporary Belgian composer Piet Swerts, the “Dance of Uzumeˮ is considered. The focus on comprehending the mythological images of the work
is due to a deep and detailed insight into the essence of its program, which is seen as important for a more convincing performance interpretation. This explains the need for a consistent analysis
of P. Sweerts’work presented in the article.
In connection with a particular work, the author draws an analogy with the oldest ritual of Japan – Kagura and for the first time makes an attempt to analyze its refraction in a modern composition. The program of the work is based on the Japanese myth of the dancing goddess. It is on this main element, on the dance that the musical development of the entire work is built. The author of the article considers various components for conveying the character and image of the composition: its form, instrumental composition with the inclusion of a percussion wide group, the use of a characteristic fret sphere, etc. and connects various sections of the work with a certain sequence in the ritual action of Kagura.
The solo saxophone is presented as an instrument with wide performing capabilities: unlimited dynamic gradation, a range beyond the main one, virtuosity in technical sections and extraordinary velvety and melodious timbre in lyrical episodes. In conclusion, the general analysis of the situation is given.

Keywords: saxophone, repertoire, Piet Swerts, analysis, mythology, the “altissimoˮ register, programming, Uzume, Kagura, figurative sphere, dance, ritual, theatrical art, orchestra, Amaterasu.

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How to Cite
Pankeeva В. С. (2022). The Japanese Myth of the Dancing Goddess and Its Implementation in the Work by P. Swerts "Uzume Dance" for Saxophone. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 49(4), 137–146. Retrieved from
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Author Biography

Veronika S. Pankeeva, Magnitogorsk State Conservatory (Academy) named after M.I. Glinka, Magnitogorsk, Russia

Associate Professor at the Orchestral Wind and Percussion Instruments Department