The Naturalistic Conception of Salvatore Sciarrino

Main Article Content

Svetlana V. Lavrova


The article is devoted to analysis of the artistic ideas of Italian
composer Salvatore Sciarrino’s naturalistic conception. Art
objects are interpreted by him as possessing a structural similarity,
principles of development analogous with biological objects. The
turn to unified biological laws have brought Sciarrino to the idea
of self-similar structures – fractals. Resembling living organisms,
they form the synthetic concept of the “figure,” equivalent in
any domain of artistic creativity. This is the principle on which
Sciarrino bases his analytical essays. Being in the current of the
common aspirations of the post-serial epoch, Sciarrino brings into
his music and theoretical works the category of “aural ecology.”
The concept of ecology acquires a broader meaning than it had
in the first few decades of its development. The phenomenon of
“aural ecology,” characteristic for post-serialism, is not merely
relevant. In the music of the Italian composer Sciarinno, it becomes
the key element. The philosophy of sound which was proposed by
Sciarrino appeals to the processes of nature.

Keywords: Salvatore Sciarrino, post-serialism, fractals, aural

Article Details

How to Cite
Lavrova, S. V. (2015). The Naturalistic Conception of Salvatore Sciarrino. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (1), 24–27.
Music in the System of Culture
Author Biography

Svetlana V. Lavrova, The A. Ya. Vaganova Academy for Russian Ballet

Pro-rector for Research Work and Development, Candidate of Arts, Associate Professor at the Department of Accompanimental Skills and Musical Education


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