Unity Principle of Artistic and Technical Development in Music Pedagogy as a Theoretical Analysis Object

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Ma Qiao
Viktor P. Sradzhev


The principle of the unity of the artistic and technical, with the leading artistic principle in musical pedagogy, was proclaimed already in the middle of the 20th century. In the musician’s training, it has been given exceptional importance for many decades. At the same time, there is no clear comprehending of its intended purpose in instrumental and vocal pedagogy. In the theory and educational practice, “Unityˮ has a universal character: it is used in the process of solving numerous educational problems, it is guided by it when learning musical works, and even more often, in carrying out technical work. As a result, this gives rising to various contradictions that reduce the effectiveness of the process of educating a musician. Due to the fact that the principle under discussion, contrary to popular belief, has a more modest, local purpose, its theoretical analysis is necessary. The foregoing determines the purpose of the article: to designate the status of the “Principle of Unityˮ in music pedagogy. Being, undoubtedly, fair in relation to educating a professional performer, it loses its essential content in relation to other musical specialties: music teachers, theorists ...

This trend is even more evident in the training of amateurs: vocalists or instrumentalists. Therefore, the “Principle of Unity” is not universal for all musical pedagogy, but is valid only in the aspect of training a professional performer, which is one of the sectors of musical pedagogy. In turn, the principle of the leading role of artistic development in the process of learning a musician will be fundamental for it. Thus, the priority musical and artistic education should become a universal principle that is fair for musical pedagogy, with adequate technical development, determined by the main goals of musical and artistic activity.

Keywords: principles of musical education, unity of artistic and technical, musical and artistic development.

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How to Cite
Ма Цяо, & Sradzhev В. П. (2022). Unity Principle of Artistic and Technical Development in Music Pedagogy as a Theoretical Analysis Object. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 48(3), 176–187. Retrieved from https://musicscholar.ru/index.php/PMN/article/view/1390
Music Pedagogy and Methodology
Author Biographies

Ma Qiao, Belgorod State Institute of Arts and Culture, Belgorod

Postgraduate student

Viktor P. Sradzhev, Belgorod State Institute of Arts and Culture, Belgorod
